lauantai 26. lokakuuta 2013

2. I love... the seasons

Despite the general public image of weather in the UK, I've loved it so far. Granted, I haven't seen the British winter yet, but it can't be as bad as in Finland. My friends back home are already complaining about sleet and snow - it's 17 degrees outside as I'm writing this, and it's nearly November.

Spring comes so early compared to Finland, and it's so much more vibrant, greener and alive. Imagine my surprise when I flew to London a few years ago from the concrete gray of the early Finnish spring and was greeted by a light green warmth. I took tons of photos back then and got some of my best shots.

Summer's beautiful. It's always beautiful. That's all I can really say.

But what's really impressed me is the autumn. It was like late summer in September when I arrived, and it's been quite a gentle slope down to rainier autumn weather. It's still warm and trees are stubbornly holding onto their leaves. It's something that's completely new to me - I'm used to the nature going into hibernation quickly and violently. In Finland, it always seems like winter comes overnight, but here I've actually had time to get used to it and enjoy the colors and scent of autumn. I love the smell of rain.
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sunnuntai 29. syyskuuta 2013

1. I hate... missing home

Despite never feeling like I belong in Finland, I've found myself talking about it quite a lot in the past couple of weeks. I guess it's a type of homesickness.

I don't want to go back, the thought of rather being there than here never crossed my mind. What I mean is that I've already come to appreciate some of the things I used to take for granted there, and look back fondly at what I didn't like about it. I've educated people on clean-tasting tap water and effective bottle recycling, which apparently is not a thing here, and joked about how resistant Finns are to the idea of physical affection between friends and family. I know I am, at least!

I've fed my new friends salty liquorice and watched them cringe at the taste, I've made trips to Lidl to buy familiar brands even through Costcutter is closer, I've been delighted to meet fellow Finns on campus. I've come to realize that even though Finland didn't feel right for me, things weren't that bad.

This is not necessarily a negative thing, but it makes me feel quite ashamed. Up to now, I've thought that I'd never look back with any sort of affection or nostalgia, but I've already caught myself looking forward to going back home for Christmas. Damn it.
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1. I love... being at home

The minute I stepped out of the cab in front of the university, I knew I'd come home. I've only been here for two weeks, but I feel more at ease here than I have ever felt before. Sure, I'm still adjusting and living here has taken a great deal of getting used to, but I know this is where I've wanted to be for a very long time, the reason the places I've lived in before haven't felt right.

I will go into more detail about what makes London, and Uxbridge in particular, feel like home for me in upcoming posts. What I want to say here is that it's like nothing I've ever experienced. It's something I've missed.

Yesterday I came out the Leicester Square station, straight into the humming flow of faces and voices, and felt a lump in my throat. Knowing I'm not just on a vacation, knowing that I have years to get to know this city, it makes my heart ache. 
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